
Operator Node monitoring through metrics exports.

Dashboard is live in Grafana.

Operators are required to run their nodes alongside a "sidecar" Docker container to export useful metrics about the node. These metrics are aggregated and are visible in a public Grafana dashboard.

  1. Please reach out through our channels to get your Grafana API key.

  2. Run the following command, replacing API_KEY with the provided one:


curl $BASE_URL/$SCRIPT | bash -s -- $API_KEY


All Operators can enable and export metrics using OTL protocol through Grafana Alloy using a provided API key. Operators can customize their Grafana Alloy configuration to export to additional OpenTelemetry collectors.

Currently, the node exports the following:

  • Logs

  • Tracing Spans (Instrumentation)

  • Metrics (e.g. Gauges, Counters)


Please refer to the Grafana Alloy documentation when modifying the provided config.alloy file. Additionally, there is a basic configuration that can be modified under:


  "name": "otlp",
  "description": "OTLP telemetry with export capabilities.",
  "network": "dev",
  "type": "telemetry",
  "config": {
    "export": {
      "endpoint": "http://localhost:4317",
      "timeoutSecs": 3
    "filter": "info"

By default, we export all logs that match INFO level.

Last updated

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